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Puppet Show

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Puppet Show is also called palm puppet show. The puppets are usually 1.0 chi (i.e.0.33 meter or 1.1 feet) tall, and the performers can control and perform them with a single palm or double to create the scenes of fighting between two puppets. Other vivid and acrobatic acts include shooting an arrow while riding a horse, climbing over a wall, spinning plates and balancing stacks of bowls on the head. The properties of this puppet show are small and exquisite, and can be put into a sack and taken to the countryside for performance. This is the origin of its name.

The Sack Puppet Troupe in Fujian has been abroad six times on performance tour in 19 countries and regions in the world, like Yugoslavia, Romania, France, Switzerland, and USA, and has received cordial applause and appraisal. In 1960,it entered for the Second International Puppet and Marionette Competition in Bucharest and won the First Excellent Performance Prize and a gold medal.

Ever since China Zhangzhou Puppet Show Troupe's establishment 30 years ago, Zhangzhou Puppet Show Troupe has put on performances all over the country. It has been to Beijing for 17 times to present the shows to Beijing people. Moreover, it has won many awards at domestic as well as international arts festivals. As a goodwill messenger, it has traveled abroad for about a dozen times. It has performed the shows and displayed the puppets in more than 20 countries and regions, including Romania, Poland, the former Russia, Yugoslav, Czech, Hungary, Mongolia, France, Swiss, Indonesia, Australia, the USA, Canada, the Great Britain, Portugal, Japan and Germany, etc. Foreign artists appraise its glove puppet shows as “the top-notch art in the world”, and Zhangzhou's puppet heads are renowned as the “oriental art treasure”.

With a gathering of talents, the Troupe has a strong lineup. There are 52 actors and staff members in the Troupe, among which 24 have been granted mid- and- high technical titles, and 15 are members of Chinese Theatre Association and Fujian Theatre Association. Some of them hold the leading posts in the artists associations at each level. Being a well-balanced organization, the Troupe consists of an art committee, and art creation group, and actor group, a band, a stage art team and a puppet-carving factory.

“Puppet Art in China”, “Puppet Show in South Fujian”, “Hand Puppet”, “Art in the Palm”, “The Eight Immortals Soaring over the Sea”, “Li Kui——the Black Cyclone”, “Yue Fei”, “Story of Capturing Demons” and “The Hunter with Oral Stunt”.

Edit by: Dorothy

Gezai Opera

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Gezai Opera, also known as Xiang Opera, is the representative opera in South Fujian. Being a traditional opera, it prevails in South Fujian, Taiwan and regions in Southeast Asia where overseas Chinese live in compact communities. Its melody comes from folk and the libretto is easy to understand, hence it is warmly welcomed.

In 1662, the huge inflow of South Fujian folks into Taiwan with the national hero hoxinga also brought to the island folk music arts such as Longxi Brocade Eulogy, Anxi Tea Picking, and Tong’an Cart Drum. As a result, Gezai Hall emerged. In the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, under the influence of Liyuan Opera, Gaojia Opera and Peking Opera, Gezai Opera, a unique form of performing art, gradually came into existence and gained popularity in Taiwan and later spread to South Fujian after 1928 and renamed Xiang Opera following reforms and innovations by folk artists.

Gezai opera features plain libretto and lively melody and therefore enjoys tremendous popularity among local folks. Liang Shanbo & Zhu Yingtai, a classic drama performed by Xiamen Gezai Troupe, was made into a film by Hong Kong Great Wall Motion Pictures and distributed in Southeast Asian nations. Other plays including Building in Flames, Five Girls Offering Birthday Felicitations, Best Pig Butcher, Legend of White Snake and Authentic or Fake Prince have also been made into TV drama shows.

Edit by: Dorothy

Southern Music

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Also known as Nanyin, Nanyue, Nanguan, Southern Tone or Southern Melody, Southern Music is the most popular local folk art form and the most ancient music that exists in contemporary China.

Historical evidence shows that Southern Music existed as early as the Sui and Tang Dynasties over 1,000 years ago. Historical annals indicate that in 1713 A.D., leading stringed instrument singers gathering in Beijing for performances in celebration of the 60th birthday of the Qing Emperor Kangxi; Southern Music also joined the performances in Beijing and was praised by the emperor, who awarded the performers an embroidered plaque with the inscription of imperial Hearing Delight as well as colored umbrellas and palace lanterns and granted the urheen player the honor of treading on the golden lion. This ancient music is played with pi-pa, lute, urheen and trichord, with beautiful melody and strong local features.

The art style of the Nangu is of primitive simplicity and elegant and mild and touching. It prevails widely in Xiamen, Quanzhou, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Southeast Asia since long. The music is also popular with the overseas Chinese in the Southeastern Asian countries. Every year, quite a few overseas fans of Southern Music visit China, singing and performing together with the lovers of the music in their ancestral hometowns, which make cozy and strong situations. The music has been a bridge to communicate with overseas Chinese and compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao.

Reprehensive works include Plum Blossom Exercise, Eight Fine Horses, Midnight Man and Thanks to princess, which have all been made into records and distributed abroad.

Edit by: Dorothy
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